Born in the south of France, the eldest of a family of five children, my origins are French and Moroccan. From the age of thirteen, my favourite hobby was writing French poems and songs. I initially pursued a degree in business administration, but a few years later developed a strong desire to sing. Unfortunately, circumstances didn't allow me to pursue this promising career.
In 1995, I came to the United Kingdom to improve my English. Struggling to make a living while in the UK, my life turned around when I believed and was baptized into Christ Jesus, confessing Him as my Lord and Saviour.
I saw the power of God at work in my life. It was this experience that motivated me to write this first book "Knowing God", which I believe will help those who are seeking God to get a better understanding of the riches of the Kingdom of God.
For more information about Author Sana Edoja visit Knowing God.
For more information about Author Sana Edoja visit Knowing God.