Christ's Redeeming Passion

It's not about us, but about Christ and His Redeeming Passion. Our ministry sites and blogs are not about who we are, but about who Christ is. We don't seek to market us, and what we have accomplished, but rather who Christ is and what He has accomplished. There are no pictures to date of the we's and us's. There is no mention of my name, my wife, our ministry staff or the latest puffed up what we have done. No we seek to do all things to the Glory of God, and to His Glory alone.

We preach Christ crucified, the word of God, His Glorious Kingdom and don't use the Kingdom of God to Glorify ourselves or magnify our accomplishments. Yes, it is about Christ and His Redeeming Passion. Isn't that what truly matters or shall we seek to minister and reach out to others, just to write about it?

Lay up treasures in heaven, not before men. Write about Christ, His Redeeming Passion, His love, His Grace, His promises, and the eternal life that He so freely gives to all that come to Him.

His Glorious Name Ministries