Compassion Of Christ
The Wonderful Redeeming Passion Of Christ, The Prince Of Peace
Christian Book Publishing Packages
A Highly Recommended Biblically Based Read!
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A Wonderful Mus Have Children's Book
Appointed Times and Signs
Life Changing Christian Books
Divinely inspired, Roland Ramirez, breaks down the two storms written in the books of Matthew and Mark. Studying and commenting on each verse, readers catch a glimpse of the context and learn lessons of faith to find victory. Readers will discover new and fresh insights, as these stories that build character and faith within the body of Christ. Learn to overcome life’s trials, and glean from these two storms, to understand that with Jesus, you are never alone and you can get through to victory in your life’s storms.
We all are familiar with the storm that arose wherein the disciples were terrified and the Lord seemed to be asleep in the bow of the boat. The other storm arose and Jesus was walking on water; Peter called out to Him, and then Jesus spoke to Peter to “Come.” When God says, “Come,” what is our response? This book is written to help readers understand various aspects of each of these two storms. Do we get out of the boat? Do we have faith? When do we call out to Jesus for help?
The theme of the book is a call to endurance, and to call out to our Lord quickly, knowing that we can experience victory no matter what storm we may experience in life with Jesus helping or at the helm of our boat. Each chapter begins with a scripture, followed by an explanation with several introspective questions at the end. This book could be used individually, or in a group Bible setting. A salvation prayer at the back is included for those who need to reach out to the Lord. This is a wonderful way to reach out to the lost, teach them, increase their faith, and encourage them to walk through their trials with the Lord in their lives.
Also, a must-read book for every Christian as a reminder to Whom we follow and for encouragement within all the trials we face in this life.
This book helps one to refocus on the Lord and Scripture, and also to remember that no one is excluded from the trials and tests of this life; yet, we have Jesus and His victory to help us walk through any storm, situation, or circumstance. A great encouragement and challenge to learn to lean on the Lord at all times.
You may get your copy of Jesus and the Two Storms at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.
Highly Recommended - Feed People
Stepping out in faith after hearing from God, Donna Rollyson and her husband, Ed, begin a journey of obedience to the Lord. Fascinating, this true story reveals God’s mighty miracle-working power in having a calling if you believe upon the Lord, Jesus. He can make all things new. Feeding People is a wonderful testament to the goodness of God! Ultimately, this book reveals the restoration found in finding purpose in one’s calling. Her life motto could be “God knows and sees, just trust and obey.”
A CBM Christian Book Review ~ 10.0 out of 10.0+ stars
Filled With Sound Doctrine and Scripture
- Discover the power of prayer, as a two-way communication, only requiring trust in Him;
- Understand that results and divine provision come from prayer;
- Overcome discouragement and lean into God as the One Who Provides;
- Understand your mighty calling in God;
- Receive divine direction and strategies from God;
- Learn how to speak to and hear from the Lord;
- Discover powerful tools of how and when to pray for others, to include fasting.